Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Introduction to Mr. Bartender

Hi there! My name is Anthony Kaufman, and I own and operate the bar catering company, Mr. Bartender. I'd like to be called Mr. Bartender myself, but that wouldn't be doing the name any justice. We've employed up to 30 people at any one time, so considering Mr. Bartender as just being made up of the works and experiences of one man would be unfair. Mr. Bartender is a collaboration of anyone and everyone who has ever worked for, contributed to, or even hired Mr. Bartender. In that respect, it has turned into a living, ever-evolving being, which makes for a much more exciting company!

I've started this blog as a way of sharing my experiences and lessons with alcohol, cocktails, event planning, people, and pretty much everything I've picked up along the way running Mr. Bartender. Think of it as a behind-the-scenes look on the bar and catering industry as well as a more personal look into Mr. Bartender. Why would I write this? A few reasons really. For one, transparency does a company good. Those who've had a few business classes in college know what I mean. Second, the stresses of running a catering company and a small business can add up, and I find the writing cathartic. I'm sure many people can understand that. And finally, I really want to expose people to the world of cocktails and fine spirits. That is, in part, why I started Mr. Bartender.

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